History of Labor Unions

Week 7 - 10/10/2019

“Over the last four decades, we have witnessed the near total destruction of this promise of worker empowerment. Beginning with Reagan, the U.S. economy was reorganized wholesale. Having failed to build up political leverage to ensure that private economic power remained accountable to the common good, workers saw private interests progressively shred the limited social bargain of the postwar years. Union membership has plummeted to 10.5 percent overall and only 6.4 percent in the private sector. Even more telling is the near disappearance of strikes. In the 1970s there were, on average, about 289 annual work stoppages involving at least 1,000 workers. As bargaining power shifted decisively to employers, that average has plunged, reaching only 13 per year over the last decade.”

- Sarita G., Stephen L., and Joseph M., Why the Labor Movement Has Failed—And How to Fix It

Our Educator Unionizing Panel. From right to left: Daniel Symonds, Devin Daniels, Audrey Jaquiss, & John Braxton

Our Educator Unionizing Panel. From right to left: Daniel Symonds, Devin Daniels, Audrey Jaquiss, & John Braxton



What is labor? What is the history of labor unions and organizing? Case studies of labor strikes (PATCO air traffic controllers strike, grad student unionization, Ocean Hill Brownsville, and fast food workers).

And an incredible panel of labor/teacher unions featuring: the Caucus of Working Educators, the American Federation of Teachers at Community College of Philadelphia and Penn's own grad student union, GET-UP. @ University of Pennsylvania

What does labor mean? What is your experience with unions? What stood out in the resources from the timeline?

Select Readings from our timeline

Case Studies

In class, we broke up into small groups and examined four case studies of educators organizing. We engaged multiple sources for each case.


Fast Food Workers

Graduate Student Organizing

Ocean Hill-Brownsville NYC Teacher’s Strike

In-Class Resources

Union Terms (1) .png

Our Panel


Our panelists

John Braxton, CCP Teachers Union

Audrey Jaquiss, GET UP

Devin Daniels, GET UP

Daniel Symonds - Caucus of Working Educators

Jia Lee - MORE Caucus, part of network with WE Caucus.

Questions for the panelists

  • What role does social justice play in unionism?

  • What union win are you most proud of?

  • How do you make your union space inclusive?

  • If you would recommend us to study anything or add a (podcast, book, speaker, article, website, newsletter) to our lexicon, what would it be?

Panelist Bios

Click to Enlarge

Recommended Resources from Our Panelists


Questions for Consideration from Class Notes

  • What is the relationship between unions and capital and the state? What are the contradictions of unions and how might they be transformed? 

  • How did the PATCO strikes (and the subsequent mass firing of strikers) change unionization and union organizing?

  • What happens with automation and technology replacing workers?

  • Who owns the work that graduate students produce in a university?